Bring on 2014
2013 was full of frustration ...
A lot of interesting, but confidential, stuff happened in 2013 with me, in terms of career development. I got to spend a week embedded with the AIS sprint program, which was great (the big secret : there is no big secret, it's just consistant, specific, hard work). 2014 is going to see some big changes, which will be .. big! We don't know what they'll be yet. Sorry for the ambiguity, but I can't say any more at this time except that the VIS has a new cycling head coach coming (Glenn Doney from ACTAS) in mid February, and there's other irons in the fire. We're in limbo until February, but to keep me busy and out of mischief, I'm off to Adelaide for the Senior Aussies in 4 weeks.
Limbo ... sucks! But hopefully it will be over soon.