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Proud Dad

by dinoapolito — last modified 2009-01-18 06:17

Never been so tired after a weekend's racing and I didn't even get on the bike!

It has been an exceptionally busy two weeks. Last weekend at Echuca for the Junior carnival and this weekend in at DISC both days for the Junior State Titles.

What can I say? We're all very proud of Emily. She raced her heart out in the Time Trial and we were all rewarded by her beaming smile as she claimed gold. Then she fronted up for the sprints and turned herself inside out, clocking a very good Flying 200 and despite being emotionally and physically tired, winning two sprints before finally succumbing to exhaustion and finishing fourth overall.

Today she fronted up again, this time for the ugly P word. Pursuit. It's not her event but she wanted to give it a go and improved by 10 seconds on her previous time. Wisely she scratched herself from the 30 lap points score and we waited for the Victorian team to be announced.

So she's off to Adelaide to represent the Big V. But for now we rest and hit the beach for a few days. Dad has hardly had a ride in the last two weeks so he'll take his bike but Emily will only take a body board.

Now it's time for bed....



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