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"I feel invincible on this bike!'

by dinoapolito — last modified 2010-04-18 22:46

A classic quote from Emily

What do track sprinters do in the off season? Go mountain biking of course!

Only a matter of hours after my track season finished, Emily and I undertook our first mountain bike adventure. Let me tell you for me it was big shock going from a silky smooth velodrome, a light carbon frame track bike with disc wheel pumped up to 170psi to a heavy mountain bike with fat wheels on a dirt track with lumps, bumps and tree roots everywhere!

We are lucky to have the Yarra bike trail virtually at our doorstep and while the smart thing to do might have been to just stick to the main bike path and dodge the walkers, dogs and tricycles, we instead chose to go on the single track which starts at the Banyule Tennis Club. (I wish I could use google earth right now so I could show you).

We went as far as Bond's Rd on the way to Westerfolds Park and were pretty slow going over and through the said obstacles but on the way back we had a little more confidence and had a ball.

It was just after we bulldozed our way over some tree roots, through some ditches and plowed through some mud holes that I heard Emily yell out in joy ... "I feel invincible on this bike"



Posted by Carl Brewer at 2010-04-18 23:59
Very pleased with this!

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