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The March of Time

by dinoapolito — last modified 2010-02-14 18:21

The stars are lining up rather tantalisingly in March

Time does have a way of getting away from you doesn't it.

Has it really been nearly three months since my last blog?  That's a long time. I think I may have been busy. Or I may have been slack. Perhaps both. It's not like nothing has happened in that time....

Since I last indulged the gentle reader I have...

  1. Watched Emily compete at the Metro's only two weeks after her crash. Defying doctors advice and clearly under done, she still managed to win the TT and get a silver in the Sprint.
  2. Did the Metro's myself and scored a Gold in the Masters 4 sprint after setting a new PB to qualify - 12.60. Also got a silver in the TT.
  3. At the aboc Summer Sprint Series I have been chipping away at my F200, setting a new PB each time but still the magic 12.999 second barrier eludes me. A couple of weeks ago I did 13.145, qualified at the bottom of A grade but then got smashed in the races. POO
  4. Watched Emily burn at the Junior State titles, repeating her results from the Metro's but with massive PB's.
  5. Learned to ride on rollers! Well sort of. I can take my hands of the fence but not off the handle bars.
  6. Bought a new "no-name" Hillbrick Carbon frame which I rode last night for the first time. It's VERY different to my Felt TK2. I think I'll like it once I get used to it.


So why is March such a big month? Well there's Round 5 of the aSSS and if the weather is good I am going to throw the kitchen sink at trying to break 13 seconds. And I've got some ideas about how to do better in the races. Watch this space. (No Nathan, I won't put anyone over the fence!). But it's in the following weeks that things get more interesting. I'm going to do the Vic Masters. I've never done them before but by winning the Metro sprint I get free entry into Vic Masters Sprint so I HAVE to do at least that one. I'm not sure whether I'll do the TT because at the Vics it is 750m not 500 as per Metro's. So I might skip the TT and do the Kieran instead.

That's all by way of prelude for the main event which starts on March 18th - The Junior National Titles. The first day they run the F200 qualifier, the first sprint AND the JW15 Time Trial final. It is also Emily's birthday. The script couldn't have been written better had we done it ourselves. She'll be racing in her favourite event in front of a home crowd on her birthday.

The following week we may go up to Hotham for a bit of fun and RR. And think about whether to do the Australian Masters which are in Melbourne in April.

Yes, it's going to be a very busy time indeed.

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