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by dinoapolito — last modified 2009-09-08 19:08

I'm claiming a century!

It was nice to get two good social rides under the belt over the weekend. A gentle ride on Saturday morning with young Bev as we went from Heidelberg to St.Kilda and back, stopping for coffee and muffin at the Sandbar in South Melbourne. That was a 51km round trip and it was so nice to ride in the sunshine for a change.

The next morning it was a case of lather, rinse and repeat as we were joined by Karen and Merv for the same ride. A bit tougher this time - chasing young Merv up all the hills - but still very satisfying and we managed to engage in a couple of sprints along the way. More sunshine, more coffee and muffins then back home for a Father's Day lunch at my mum and dad's. Two serves of lasagne, roast chicken, veal, roast vegies, fruit, Italian pastries, more coffee....  hmm I wonder why I can't get up hills?

So that's a  little over 100km for two days of riding. I don't think I've done a single 100km ride since my 7th (and last) Around the Bay about four years back. But the spring sunshine beckons. Now if only we can score a nice sunny day AND no wind. When was the last time that happened?

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