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The comeback kid

by dinoapolito — last modified 2007-09-09 19:33
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I managed a couple of significant rides in this weekend

I surprised myself this weekend.

After getting the all clear from both doctor and osteo during the week to start some gentle riding I was nevertheless quite anxious about venturing outdoors again on Saturday. There was still a degree of pain and discomfort in most things I did and I was still quite restricted in my movements. But I was keen to get out into the sunshine.

Bev came along for the ride and we left my place at around 7.30am. It was a very cold but sunny morning with no wind. I was wishing I could somehow strap a heat pack to my ribs because the cold really bit. However we soon warmed up especially after the climb through the cutting on Rosanna Road.

It was a good thing Bev was with me because I couldn't look over my right shoulder, not good when riding on the road! She was my eyes and ears and kept encouraging me along the way. Thanks Bev. I probably would have turned back pretty soon if it wasn't for you!

I was surprised at how good I was traveling. Sure I was restricted in my upper body movement but the legs felt fresh and strong. I tested my fitness by surging up hills a few times. Not bad. Not bad at all. I'd left Bev behind in the distance. Hmm. Maybe I should have raced at Crib Point after all? <That was a joke, Carl>

By the time we got to South Melbourne I was starting to feel pretty sore and tired. We managed to catch every red light on the way and pushing off each time was a strain. I couldn't really get out of the saddle or put much weight on the arms. So the coffee and Pooh Bar at half time was very welcome. We'd done 25km so far at an average speed of >23 kph which considering all the red lights, stop-starts, and some hills was not bad.

The ride home was uneventful. More red lights and a lot of traffic. By the time I got home I was a bit sore and tired again but had finished 50km and had a big smile on my face. That was way more than I thought I could do.

Sunday morning I awoke feeling a little stiff and sore and not wanting to ride on the road on my own I decided to go to the masters training at DISC. I admit to feeling VERY apprehensive when I walked in with my bike a threw more than just a sideways glance at the spot where I went down.

My intention was to just roll around on the duck boards, on my own, when the masters were resting between their drills and not participate in any of the group activities. I didn't think I had the courage or confidence to go on the track proper. Eventually I did so, when the track was empty, to a round of applause from Carl. The legs were jelly around the bends I can tell you.

Carl jumped on with the motor bike and paced me around for a few laps. I think he got me up to 55kph which was mot bad in an 86" gear. The motor pacing was great, I wish I'd done more. I also did some standing starts (well, with a little push from the holder) 500 metre time trials and even joined in the 60 lap "take a lap" points score just hanging well off the back of the bunch for about 40 laps before pulling the pin. Staying in the drops for that long was too much effort.

So a successful weekend by any measure. Full of cycling because I also went to Siemans for the junior racing and back to the BBN club rooms Sunday afternoon for a meeting of the Trek Sprint Series helpers. Just a week ago I would have said none of this was possible. And three weeks ago I was doubting I'd be riding again this year.

But a week is a long time in cycling/football/politics.


Posted by jaywoo at 2007-09-10 21:27
Inspiring stuff Dino!

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