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Has anything changed on Beach Road?

by dinoapolito — last modified 2007-03-26 15:38

Not a lot as far I can see

On Sunday morning I went for a training ride down to Frankston and back. I'd self diagnosed myself as needing a long, flat ride as a means to get my legs going again after the American trip. Much of the ride was on my own but inevitably I was caught up in some buches of varying sizes.

I hadn't been on Beach Road since Around the Bay last October and was curious to see if anything had changed since the death of James Gould last year. Unfortunately I don't think much has changed at all.

On no less than 6 occassions I witnessed cyclists blatantly riding through red lights. This ranged from slowly rolling through the red to blasting through an intersection at top speed. On all occasions the cyclists had ample opportunity to stop but elected not to do so. (I'm not counting the 50/50 times when it was a split decision whether to accelerate through the orange or hit the anchors - the 6 I refer to were blatant and illegal.

There was one incident which had me and others shaking our heads in disgust and disbelief. Consider the last set of traffic lights as you approach Mordialloc. I was 5th wheel in a loose bunch of about 8 riders. The lights change to red as we approach them. We all have time to stop but only 3 of us do. One guy, from behind me, charges around the outside and goes straight through a VERY red light. So red in fact that an elderley couple had just begun to cross the road. They saw the riders coming through and stopped, merely shaking their heads. I only wonder what they were thinking or what the drivers of the stopped cars were thinking.

At that moment in time I was ashamed to be a cyclist. Maybe there's a good reason I haven't been on Beach Rd since last year....

I feel your pain

Posted by Carl Brewer at 2007-03-26 10:12
Dino, they're just turds, alas. Arrogant and dangerous idiots. We'll do lots of Beach Rd over winter, and if anyone on any ride with us shoots a red, we'll chase the bastards down and beat them to a pulp with pumps, and dine on their entrails.

How many people drive cars on the phone, and fly through school 40 zones at 60? People ...

I forgot ...

Posted by Carl Brewer at 2007-03-29 01:47

Have a read of this, Dino :

Beach Road cyclist in court

Posted by richardgrace at 2007-03-29 02:17
And he's doing us no favours...

Beach RD is Dangerous

Posted by nick at 2007-03-30 04:05
Agreed- nothing has changed. It's interesting, as I get more experienced in cycling I realise how pack riding can be so dangerous. Therefore I don't ride on Beach RD by myself anymore. Last time I got caught in a pack and forced into bad situations like going through a caution light because riders were screaming behind me to keep going. Then I decided I don't have the experience to ride on Beach Road- that place in an accident waiting to happen I reckon, and frankly I think it is one of the most dangerous cycling spots in Melbourne. My opinion is that many of these idiots who ride in large groups on Beach Road don't race in a cycling club, and that is their problem. They treat their Saturday morning down Beach Rd as a race. Why don't they race in a controlled safe environment? I know why? Because they don't have the courage to face losing or being dropped. I have seen these guys race down Beach RD, time trialing, they are as strong as all hell and I couldn't imagine they have a CSV licence because no one I know in racing would behave so irresponsibily and dangerously.
All this drama- that whippet who killed the pedestrain has made it very dangerous for all of us at the moment. I got beeped onb the Yarra BLV today and then almost run off the road because a motorist didn't like me because I am a cyclist; go figure!

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