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It's as simple as that

by dinoapolito — last modified 2007-02-25 05:52

Out of the mouth of babes can come pearls of wisdom

I'm always nervous before a race but these past few Saturdays I've been more apprehensive than usual. Maybe it's been the up and down weather or the expectation of doing well (my main nemisis in C grade - Carl Brewer - having been promoted to B grade).

Yesterday was perhaps worse than usual as it was my last track meet before Leongatha and before I head overseas for work. Adding to the performance anxiety was the fact my wife and daughter made the trip to Blackburn to cheer me on and coach Carl wasn't there to calm my nerves. But Emily, my 10 year old daughter, had a great bit of advice. "Just pedal really fast Dad and you'll win. It's as simple as that"

She was right of course. We can sometimes over analyse things but when it comes down to it,  and all other things being equal, the faster you pedal the faster you go. This is even more true in track racing because you only have one gear so if you want to go faster you have to pedal faster. Leg speed is all important in track racing (all racing really) sp don't ever complain about those silly high cadence drills the coach gets you to do. I used to complain but I don't any more and now try to include some HCLR's in most training sessions. They're especially good to do on a wind trainer because you can eliminate all other variables and just concentrate on holding your form as you build your cadence.

So thank you Emily for your words of advice. I did pedal really fast and I did win - as simple as that!

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