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Goals and Progress

by nic — last modified 2012-07-09 00:02

Where am I at?

After state masters in February i had a few weeks and with the help of Dino and Carl, I sat down and wrote out my goals for the coming 12 months. My season pretty much revolves around the ABOC SSS and Metro and State Champs (I didn't ride Metro's last year but will this year).

My results last year were as follows:

Max power:  1681W (only the 3rd time over 1600W)

F200:           12.119 (set at state champs)

Kilo:             1:16.762

So my goals for this season based off last year were to hit 1800W peak power, ride and 11.5 F200 and a sub 1:10 kilo. So how am i doing?

I just got back from a week overseas however prior to leaving I'd just come off two weeks of power PB's culminating in a peak of 1743W and my 5s power is now over 1600W.

Now i just need some racing Carl!

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