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The curse of my back!

by nic — last modified 2010-11-07 01:17
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Yes, I'm winging too...

First Blog and I’m injured


Is there anything more disappointing than being struck down with an injury at the exact time you were making some progress?

I’ve been working with Carl now since mid January and have been pretty pleased with my progress. I went from a complete newby at DISC, to a 13.9 flying 200 in June to a 13.8 200 at Blackburn on my way to third in B Grade at round 1 of the SSS. So overall I was pretty happy.

I had seemed to hit that sweet spot where I was working hard, getting good results and at the same time feeling pretty good………. And then my back went pop!

I now have five bulging discs, and my L5 sitting out of alignment. No training, no riding, no weights and no racing for a few weeks had me feeling a little down until I discover what I can do.

I can swim, stretch, and work on strengthening my back so that when I can train and race again, I should be stronger. Here’s to seeing the positive out of this situation and what should be a return to the track sooner rather an later.



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